Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Oooh, an effort at democracy!

When should monthly discussions start?


Free polls from


Eunice Burns said...

I don't appreciate the last option. Um, as I recall, I was one of the only ones who actually finished Traveler in Time and ... wait, I'm blanking on that horrific "first YA novel" from the '50s that we read about the girl who holds hands with that guy and they ride on a boat and it's a huge deal. That's okay -- I only skimmed it anyway.

Sarah said...

Susie - you type your name in [name] and your message in [message] and hit send. There's no login or registration, so technically you could pretend to be something else.

Incidentally, you can vote on the poll every day, if you are so inclined. None of this "one person, one vote" nonsense.