Monday, February 26, 2007

The Cool Crowd

You know, I'd be such a better writer if I could meet up with fabulous YA authors at cafes in NY and write. Er, "write."

Ooo, bask in the Mac Love.

That reminds me of getting together with friends to "study" in college.

At least I have the right computer to become a famous YA author, right?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Virtual Contact

John Green responded to my comment!!
Comment by Sarah
2007-02-23 17:37:22
Just cheering the Diana Wynne Jones book on the dresser. I want to be her when I grow up…even though I’m 29. There’s still time.
Love the book tour, Hank. (Any book recs from you two are very welcome and going right to my List.) Will we get the chance to see the rest of John’s book storage system?

Comment by John Green
2007-02-23 20:19:53
Sarah, you should see it shortly…
Hooray! I'm adding John Green to the list of author's I've met. I wonder if he knows Tobin Anderson? They seem like they'd get along swimmingly.

What do you mean you still aren't watching the Brotherhood 2.0 vlogs? --->They reformatted the main page, so it is THE one to read.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Optional but Interesting

I've been following the Brotherhood 2.0 vlogs pretty rabidly (I think John Green's personal site has a better format and the same info; the posts on the main page are out of order for the last few days). Every year, John's brother Hank posits a survey to friends and family. John answered it in two vlogs and Hank posted his responses just the other day.

What with new people joining up and in the interest of deciding the state of the self and sharing it, I'm posting Hank's list of questions here. You are welcome to answer none, some or all of them.

I've posted the questions in the comments section; COPY-PASTE the list into your own comment box to answer.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A. B. C. Rolling Ball & etc.

We are welcoming some new additions to the Rumpus, courtesy of Susie--welcome Beth and mundane4life! Please introduce yourselves! (I have met them both multiple times and can vouch for them, too. They are quirky enough to fit in, methinks.)

Regarding American Born Chinese, the discussion is open. I know Susie has a copy because I was with her when she bought it, so I'll post my very short initial blurb here and await further commentary!

One word review: wonderful.

The story was painful, amusing and thought-provoking, but you can NOT talk about this book without referring to the art, which I really liked—clean lines, excellent drafting.

V. nice how the storylines come together.

More when I don't have flying headache.

***Be sure to reserve a copy of March's book at your library: The Book of Lost Things.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Dark is Rising is a movie!


I refuse to see the Bridge to Terebithia movie and Charlotte's Web. This one might have a chance...

More on casting here.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Roger's a Drawing!

Mr. Sutton has finally hit the big time.