Sunday, September 23, 2007


I've been wondering if it is time to put this book group to bed--this is the third year! That's pretty good!

By no means is this meant as a criticism; I know everyone has priorities and obligations and Life, etc. The weak efforts I've made at maintaining the site just don't seem worthwhile.

Would anyone mind, terribly?

someone stole the story

I did read this month's book. It's just that my response was so ... lacking that I put off posting and put off posting and here we are, 23 September and I am posting.

You know, I am just not a Tim Wynne-Jones fan (not to be confused in ANY way with Diana Wynne Jones--no hypen; Ms. Jones is a Brit and Mr. Wynne-Jones is Canadian) (you can totally tell by his photo). This is my third Wynne-Jones book and I'm yet again feeling it lacked lustre.

He gets some interesting characters who have Issues, but they don't do much except Think Thoughts. Mm. Yes.

I couldn't figure what kind of story A Thief in the House of Memory was. Psychological coming-of-age? Murder mystery? Spooky ghost story? No idea, even now.


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Mo Willems Fan Mail

. . . a la "Don't let the pigeon . . .

Madeleine L'Engle

She was 88.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Any commentary on The Book Thief? I read it last summer; we'll see what I can remember.

I didn't love it--really, I thought it was too long and tended to ramble. It was depressing and dark and cold. All that remains with me visually are a few flashes of the basement and the drawings the artist did.

I remember it was a difficult read, as in I had to force myself to finish it.

. . . that's all I can dredge up! Other thoughts? I know we are all pretty busy right now.

Thick as. . .

And that will be A Thief in the House of Memory for September.

I don't think I'll use that poll again; it messes up the formattting.