Sunday, September 23, 2007


I've been wondering if it is time to put this book group to bed--this is the third year! That's pretty good!

By no means is this meant as a criticism; I know everyone has priorities and obligations and Life, etc. The weak efforts I've made at maintaining the site just don't seem worthwhile.

Would anyone mind, terribly?


meeralee said...

Oh, hon.

First of all, no matter what we do, your efforts have been FAR from weak. They've been practically superhuman -- it's hard enough to get people to do the reading and show up when you have an in-the-flesh club -- an online book club? That's had many substantive and interesting discussions over the course of three years? Dude! We rock, and you do especially for putting in all the work to keep it running.

Now that you're teaching, though, it does seem a bit unfair for you to be spending all this time on the site when we're all clearly preoccupied with Life and Things in the World and having a bit of a hard time carving out reading and posting time. It's nobody's fault. It's just hard, and when the group is as small as ours it really shows if everyone gets just a tiny bit busier. And for heavens sake, some people are having babies around here! :-)

So... I guess what I'm saying is if we all agree, I'm (very sadly) ok with archiving the site and letting it go, at least for now. We can say we're "taking a break" instead of "breaking up." That way it won't hurt so much right away. ;-)

To make up for it we all have to visit each other regularly and talk about books, though. That part is non-negotiable.

Eunice Burns said...

Meera, I couldn't have said it better. Sarah, you are a complete Wonder Woman at keeping up this site. You did such a good job that I'm embarrassed to say I didn't even try to add anything myself -- I just figured you'd have better ideas and the motivation to put them on the site. And you did. Seriously, you rock.

I'd be terribly bummed for the Rumpus to come to an end, but I think I might have to admit that it's time. I read most of the books (most? some? certainly not all), but when I do read, it's weeks and weeks and weeks late. But I like Meera's suggestion that we just go on a break, instead of actually breaking up. Say we're just on a hiatus of some sorts? That sounds better to me. And I wonder if we can keep the wish list up, so I can use it for inspiration. We can even add more than just the names of books -- a comment or two about a specific title. In fact, I'm going to go do that right now for a book I just read.

So, sigh, I think you are right. I certainly intend to keep reading, even while I grow as big as a barn and give birth to these critters, but I think taking a deadline away will take away a little pressure (not pressure from anyone, just pressure from myself to keep up with the group). Um, and yeah, offline discussions and real visits are mandatory. Fo' sho'.