Monday, February 19, 2007

Optional but Interesting

I've been following the Brotherhood 2.0 vlogs pretty rabidly (I think John Green's personal site has a better format and the same info; the posts on the main page are out of order for the last few days). Every year, John's brother Hank posits a survey to friends and family. John answered it in two vlogs and Hank posted his responses just the other day.

What with new people joining up and in the interest of deciding the state of the self and sharing it, I'm posting Hank's list of questions here. You are welcome to answer none, some or all of them.

I've posted the questions in the comments section; COPY-PASTE the list into your own comment box to answer.


Sarah said...

1. Your name:

2. Your Web page:

3 What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)?

4 How much longer do you think you'll be doing what you're doing?

5 Why are you doing it?

6 What do you want to be doing?

7 What's next in your life?

8 How You Doin'?

9 What's the best book you read this year?

10 Describe a perfect day?

11 Assuming that all things come to an do you think humans will go extinct?

12 How are you feeling about kids these days?

13 (- In this space, compose your own question, and answer it -)

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like?

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be?

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day?

17 Do you enjoy science fiction?

18 Cheese or Chocolate?

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?

20 What was your first concert?

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?

22 Invisibility or Time Travel?

23 What's wrong with the world?

Anonymous said...

I'll attempt this since I am one of the newbies.

Your name: Jeanne Wischer

2. Your Web page:

3 What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)?
This year has been a busy year for me. I had my five year wedding anniversary in May (hard to believe it has been 5 years). I had my first child Nadia in June. Went to part-time work in September and started teaching an on-line biology class this last January

4 How much longer do you think you'll be doing what you're doing?
Hopefully not too much longer; maybe 6 - 7 months, but we will have to see.

5 Why are you doing it?
I ask myself this question three times a week. Mainly I don't want to lose my certification so I continue doing it, which really isn't a reason because I know I am not going to be doing it forever, which means eventually I will lose my certification. Make sense, not really, which is why I ask myself this question three times a week.

6. What do you want to be doing?
I want to be pregnant again and a stay at home mom.

7 What's next in your life?
See question 6.

8 How You Doin'?
Great! I wish I had more time for fun activities though.

9 What's the best book you read this year?
Two books come to mind.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini


Baghdad Burning by Riverbend which is a blog that became a book and a very interesting read.

I would recommend both.

10 Describe a perfect day?
My perfect day would be the days I get everything on my to do list done and have time to crochet or watch a movie with my husband.

11 Assuming that all things come to an do you think humans will go extinct?
This question makes me laugh. I find it amusing. Unfortunately I would have to say we kill ourselves through Nuclear Bombs and the after affects this would have on the world.

12 How are you feeling about kids these days?
Want more!

13 (- In this space, compose your own question, and answer it -)
Did you become the person you thought you would be at 10 years old?
No, that is both a good and bad thing.

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like?
Artichoke dip

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be?
The red-headed step child

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day?
Waking up. I wish I was a morning person, but I am not.

17 Do you enjoy science fiction?
I love it!

18 Cheese or Chocolate?
Cheese, this is the only reason I want to go to France. For the cheese.

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
Bryan and I have been talking about New Zealand or Australia. I think both would be fun for awhile.

20 What was your first concert?
KNOTB (I'm hoping you don't know what the acronym stands for).

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?
The business of being a stay-at-home mom.

22 Invisibility or Time Travel?

23 What's wrong with the world?
No one believes in consequences anymore. They make stupid decisions and then act shocked that their life is messed up.

Sarah said...

Jeanne! Thanks for going first! (I tried but kept getting stuck on questions 5, 6 & 7.) I'm very much with you on question 23.

Sarah said...

1 Your name:
Sarah Marie

2 Your Web page:
Loose Ends Tied Up In Knots

3 What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)?
As I've said repeatedly, 2006 sucked big enormous ass. Except for going to Susan's wedding; that was excellent. But I moved out of the black hole of Montgomery to San Antonio (hooray!) and find myself strangely at ease among Texans. I found a house, a decent job on Craigslist, and have really gotten into silent films. I've also read a whole lotta books and taken lotsa fotos.

4 How much longer do you think you'll be doing what you're doing?
A year and a half for the Texas part, anywhere from six months to that full year and a half for the job, and reading/photography for the rest of my life.

5 Why are you doing it?
Because Bruce is important to me and the teaching certification system is inefficient. And I'm lazy. 

6 What do you want to be doing?
Writing, reading and working with kids. Also, drinking coffee.

7 What's next in your life?
D.C.? Maybe Omaha, again. I think I need to figure out if I'm going to stick with the teacher thing or go for the librarian thing.

8 How You Doin'?
Good, now; I've got a G&T at my elbow and was really happy today for some reason. (Manic?)

9 What's the best book you read this year?
2006: The Prestige by Christopher Priest
2007 so far: either Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson or Fingersmith by Sarah Waters

10 Describe a perfect day?
I sleep in, I read, coffee, I have bacon, sausage, eggs over-easy and toast for breakfast, coffee, read, take photos, read, coffee, watch a movie, read, go on a hike to a waterfall, read, coffee, have a Breakfast for Dinner Party with old friends, laugh my ass off, read, go to bed late and slightly tipsy.

11 Assuming that all things come to an do you think humans will go extinct?

12 How are you feeling about kids these days?
I don't like babies. Kids are great for short periods of time as long as they are eight or older. Short answer: no, thanks.

13 Do you have any heroes?
I'm kindof against heroes (really) but I admire and highly esteem Julia Child because she kicked ass is so many ways.

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like?
Chocolate limes with teriyaki sauce and bacon.

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be?
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that suggests you tried.

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day?
Getting out of bed.

17 Do you enjoy science fiction?

18 Cheese or Chocolate?

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
The Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum or off Hawthorne in SE Portland. Either of the main libraries of Portland or Boston would also be nice. 

20 What was your first concert?
Steve Miller Band

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?

22 Invisibility or Time Travel?
Time travel

23 What's wrong with the world?
Too many people have an ingrained sense of entitlement and don't give a shit about other humans or beings on the planet. Few people have a long-term worldview--it's all me me me now now now. Also, plastic.

Lady Digby said...

Your name:

3 What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)?
The bad: dealing with family deaths and the aftermath effects of those, car problems, car stealings, car accidents, eye surgery, semi-fruitless searching for employment...I think that is most of the bad.
The good: getting my Master's, moving to Seattle, enjoying a stable long-term relationship, getting support from friends, getting 2 part time jobs, having time to relax between graduate school and The Real World, oh, and I just bought a new car!

4 How much longer do you think you'll be doing what you're doing?
I hope I'll only be looking for a job for another month or so.

5 Why are you doing it?
I'm supposed to be contributing to society....or something.

6 What do you want to be doing?
Working a full time job and making money.

7 What's next in your life?
Getting a job.

8 How You Doin'?
Alright. I don't have much structure in my life right now because of the lack of a strict schedule...a job would help that (notice a theme here?)

9 What's the best book you read this year?
My Thesis...HA! No, I reread Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. It's a comfort book.

10 Describe a perfect day?
Saturday: I've worked a 40 hour week at my perfect job where I love my coworkers and my tasks. I'm headed to Greenlake with Daniel and our kayaks and we spend the day on the lake. A rainbow appears over the lake as we paddle around and pegasus fly overhead (you said perfect, not realistic)

11 Assuming that all things come to an do you think humans will go extinct?
Global warming induced starvation. We're poisoning the environment and making the climate so unpredictable that crops will fail and we'll all starve to death.

12 How are you feeling about kids these days?
They're kind of sticky and gooey...but, I get paid to teach them, so they're okay. I don't think I want any of my own for another 5 years or so.

13 Why does my neighbor have to use his table saw right outside my window right now?
I don't know.

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like?
fresh kettle corn

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be?
The grass is always greener on the other side.

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day?
Laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I can't fall asleep

17 Do you enjoy science fiction?

18 Cheese or Chocolate?
chocolate, dark.

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
Rural France

20 What was your first concert?
Matchbox 20

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?
Teaching people how to take care of the earth.

22 Invisibility or Time Travel?
Time travel

23 What's wrong with the world?
Lack of responsibility.