Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Your friendly guide to the Sinstitute/Imposium

I don't know how to put a link into a comment, so I'm making a new post.

So lookee lookee lookee.

There are a few nonfiction things to look at, as well as Marilyn Nelson's poetry masterpiece. We don't necessarily have to choose a recent book of any of these authors, either. Just thought we could draw on the guest speakers as inspiration.

Any thoughts?


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Looking at the list, there's quite a bit of poetry and picturebooks. I would enjoy reading Marilyn Nelson's book, but I don't think it is available for everyone.

The only author who has a newish book I've seen a lot of, in libraries and bookstores (still hardcover, unfortunately) is Bound by Donna Jo Napoli. Checking your local libraries, I see they all have it.

Unless anyone has other suggestions from the Institute list? Too many of us have read Funke and Gantos, so I didn't include them.