Monday, January 03, 2005

His Dark Materials Movie

The Film This could be a very good thing or a very bad one.

I don't know how much I agree with Pullman's last paragraph:

But to understand that requires the sort of sophistication that you find in bright eleven-year-olds; it may be beyond the reach of some adults. There are more ways than one of telling the story of Lyra and Will, as anyone knows who's been lucky enough to see Nicholas Hytner's wonderful production at the National Theatre in London. That telling differs from the books in some details, but the script, by Nicholas Wright, is faithful to the spirit of the story as it rethinks it in terms of the stage; and I have every confidence that New Line, and whoever ends up directing the films, will be just as faithful when they rethink it in terms of the screen.

Is there a WRONG way? This isn't Harry Potter, you know.

I also want to discuss The War on Words but my brain is full.

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