Saturday, January 28, 2006

I court not the votes of the fickle mob. - Horace

Okay, some explanation is in order.

First of all, Eunice's bribe did not come into my possession by the agreed time. As a result, Criss Cross is not on the list.

Really, though, I thought about it and with all the Newbery hubbubble, figured it would be somewhat difficult to get our hands on copies of the book. Library hold lists are long and even if you wanted to purchase a copy, bookstores are likely to be out of stock (if they carried it at all) and backorders will be in effect. So, I did the drawing as I normally do, no shenanigans, and Criss Cross did not pop up; it will remain on the wish list. Reardless, the books we are voting between look wonderful and I'm having a hard time deciding which to vote for.

Non-Amazon Reviews:
+ An Innocent Soldier at Arthur Levine and The Horn Book.
+ Looking for Alaska at and at Reading Rants.
+ The Wish List at Bookmunch.


meeralee said...

I have to admit I am not in the least bit interested in "An Innocent Soldier." But I will read it if we vote for it.

Sarah said...

Wow -- that's the best turnout we've had!

Looking for Alaska it is --