Friday, December 02, 2005

Feelin' Newsy --

Here's a new blog: AS IF - Authors Support Intellectual Freedom. There's the Geography Club article and some other things I've seen elsewhere, but I like the idea. Check the member list on the sidebar. Very impressive!

You'll need to spend some time there after visiting Citizens for Literary Standards in Schools out of Kansas. Yeah, because I always longed to teach How Green Was My Valley instead of dirty books like Fallen Angels. We don't want them reading ANYTHING interesting. Show me a kid who can make it through Moby Dick and I'll eat my hat. They also list Bartelby [sic] the Scrivener.

It strikes me as odd that Middlemarch is on their Best of the Best List (AKA: A whole lotta old, boring books) (okay, not ALL of them). It's on my to be read shelf -- and has been for YEARS; that is a brick of a book; I can't imagine assigning it -- but I watched a BBC version and I remember a lot of lustful glances artfully displayed.

Virginia Woolf described Middlemarch as, "one of the few English novels written for grown up people"
So there, Citizens for Literary Standards in Schools! Virginia knows what she's talking about!

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