Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Whaddaya think about that Cottage, eh?

Sorry for the space below. I canna fix it.
Also, this poll allows multiple answers at the same time, so if you are torn, vote for two.

Your take on The Gravedigger's Cottage?
Fab-u-lous! I want to live there - trees, fleas and ocean breeze.
Morbidly good! I'd recommend it.
Not too shabby, for a fixer-upper. I'd recommend it to some people.
I'd rather be spackling; the story needs more work than the cottage.
I wish Arnie had killed me instead of the rat and saved me the pain of reading it.


Free polls from Pollhost.com


JoBiv said...

Apparently "Meh" says it all. I vote that we use that as a possible response for EVERY poll. It seems to speak volumes.

Sarah said...

I'm fascinated by how it says so much more than "eh" does.

I really really hope Chasing Vermeer is Good good. Save us from mediocrity!