Saturday, March 05, 2005

Exercise your right:

Pretty new poll!

** Poll deleted by Sarah. Comments still available. **


Sarah said...

Crap - I want to read all those books. What a delicious conundrum...

Erica said...

Sorry, I'm complaining:

1) Isn't this going to be the April book, since the sidebar says to read The Gravedigger's Cottage for March? If not, then I'm in trouble...

2) I think this poll gives me pop-ups.

But the books look good. I think I'd be happy to read almost any of them.

meeralee said...

I get pop-ups too, even though Safari's supposed to kill 'em dead! Wah.

Yes, this poll is for the April book. We have not yet started living in parallel universes.


Sarah said...

My bad - and it will only let me change the title, not the poll question.

Dunno about pop-ups; I'm running FireFox and don't have any, except the results that showed after I voted.

Sarah said...

The pollhost I usually use has been down, otherwise I'd have used it instead.

JoBiv said...

Hey, are we allowed to vote more than once for this poll? I mean, I think someone has unless we every hedgehog actually voted... I don't think that usually happens.

Eunice Burns said...

Fishy indeed. I swear I didn't cheat (this time).

Sarah said...

Okeydoke - how 'bout we do Chasing Vermeer for April and Outcasts for May? Any major objections?

JoBiv said...

Not from this corner...