Thursday, January 25, 2007

Green vs. Green

With varied levels of success, we read John Green's Looking for Alaska last year, and I read (and loved) his most recent An Abundance of Katherines as well. He and his brother, Hank, have committed themselves to Brotherhood 2.0 a video blog (short, like two minutes each) exchange for 2007. It's very amusing. I've spent much of this morning catching up on their January correspondence.

John's "NannyNannyRichKid" song is awesome.

Hank has a Narnia map on his basement wall.

(Okay, I have one, too, but it's in a box and I had it for when I was teaching.)
Anyway, it's great; they really do look like the brothers from The Proclaimers.

And, wholly unrelated to YA or books period, Making Fiends is also funny and a welcome distraction to a cold cold day.


J E said...

Hey guys, I found out that the new institute is on Food. It is from Thur July 26 - Sunday July 29.

Sarah said...

Thanks JLiz!

Here's the spiel:

2007 Symposium: Food, Glorious Food
Thursday, July 26 — Sunday, July 29, 2005

This year's symposium will explore the role of food as metaphor as well as its literal appearance in children's books.

Speakers include: Jack Gantos, Natalie Babbitt, Polly Horvath, Roger Sutton, David Macaulay. The seminar will be lead by Deborah Stevenson, associate editor of the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books.

Registration forms will be available for download soon. Please check back.

meeralee said...

Whee! What a GREAT topic. :-) We'll probably be gone by then, but if not, I'm totally there.