Sunday, November 19, 2006

Better late...

Click the title to be whisked away to five (5) video segments of the Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards!

I haven't read ANY of those books -- not even the picturebooks! I miss hanging out with Simmons people at the bookstore and making intelligent picturebook conversation.

1 comment:

Eunice Burns said...

I haven't read any of them either! My friend worked on Wildfire, and I know I've read other stuff by him (he's a little hottie!), but nothing on this list. Sigh. I miss intelligent, entertaining conversation, too. And being "forced" to read these books and keep up with the times. There are too many books out there and not enough time! Although I did finally read Bat 6, Sarah, and I liked it. So at least that got one crossed off my list.