Monday, October 23, 2006

Kevin Crossley-Holland Interview and MORE!

Our favorite Simmons brunch guest has been busy!

Listen or read (click title) the Q & A about his new book, Gatty's Tale.

Did anyone here read his Arthurian trilogy? I only read the first one.

Also, Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy is filming. Photos here. Nicole Kidman plays Mrs. Coulter; excellent casting, I think! Daniel Craig, the new James Bond, is Lord Asriel. Lyra is played by an unknown; no photos!

Furthermore, it looks like the November book is The Body of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-Ucci, widely available at your library and in paperback.

Finally, I want to point out that Eunice added her part to the Nick and Norah discussion. Do check it out --


Eunice Burns said...

Yer the best book-club moderator ever! Thank you for being so diligent. We hedgehogs, we are not worthy!

meeralee said...

It's true! Hip hip, hooray!

Also, thank you for reminding me about the adorable KCH. No, I have not read any more of his books than the one on our list for the seminar. It's horrible of me to find Arthurian novels so boring, isn't it?