Monday, June 26, 2006


Okay. Blogger and Blogpoll, usually happy bedfellows, are fighting right now.

I lost all the comments from that last poll when I tried to set up a new poll. Here's what we are gonna do:

Vote by comment. Makes it public, but also keeps the site from eating itself. Hopefully this will not be a problem for long.


Burning City by Ariel and Joaquin Dorfman

A Room on Lorelei Street by Mary E. Pearson

Wrecked by E. R. Frank

Sorry -- I couldn't make it work otherwise. I'll rescue the previous comments and add them.


Sarah said...

Here is the conversation that resulted in a new vote:

EUNICE: Um, why am I the only one who has voted? Yes, I'm giving away my vote. I voted for Bat 6 because I just bought it at a used bookstore, but then I read the rest of the list and realized I want to read Wrecked, too. For some reason I'm not all that interested in reading Zazoo, but I already own it so I will read it (with delight) anyway. Anyone else have an opinion?

ARAHSAE: I voted!

ARAHSAE: But not for Bat 6 because I read it long, long ago but I'd read it again.

MEERALEE: I voted too, and I think it's now a three-way tie. I am also not interested in Zazoo, I think because the cover makes me think she is going to be insufferably twee and poetic.

Also, I am bored of historical fiction because I've had to read so much of it at work, and I love E.R. Frank.

So someone else _has_ to vote!

EUNICE: I'll throw my vote to Wrecked if no one else votes. I'll read Bat 6 on my own, and Sarah has already it anyway. Maybe we should just take it off the wish list.

Just a btw, I love that this blog keeps me reading. I went to a friend's house last night and her stepson was reading Hoot. I felt very informed!

ARAHSAE: I think I'll do some late spring cleaning on the wish list soon. Books that have been outvoted more than once should be removed.

Looking at the list of books we've read (on the homepage below the Chatterbox and site listing) do you see any specific sort of book lacking?

It is pretty split between female (8) and male (9) authors -- and main characters, too, I think.

There's one poetry book, one graphic novel and a few sci-fi/fantasy books. Another is set in 17th century China. Everything else is realistic, contemporary fiction. Well, I guess you could classify a few as mysteries.

Anyone up for a manga title? A short story collection? Something in translation?

Are there classics we've missed or maybe a teen-adult crossover book you'd like to read?

ARAHSAE: Or I can just put another three books up for voting...

Sarah said...

And I vote for Burning City.

meeralee said...

I still vote for Wrecked. E.R. Frank is my hero.

P.S. S., the link for Burning City goes back to the Lorelai Street book -- not a big deal, since I searched for it on Amazon. If you could edit other people's posts, I'd fix it.

Erica said...

I vote for Burning City. Sorry, but the others sound too depressing.

Eunice Burns said...

I'm voting for Wrecked. Damn, now it's a tie.

Sarah said...

I fixed the link -- and you should be able to edit other people's posts because I gave everyone admin abilities.

Who will break the tie?

JoBiv said...

Apparently, I will, at Sarahsponda's request. I vote for Burning City, mostly because E. R. Frank tends to traumatize me. Genius, yes, but one can only withstand so much.

I hope I'll have the chance to think this month, not to mention read. I miss you Hot-ass Hedgey Hogs.

Lady Digby said...

Wrecked is my vote..

Sarah said...

Susie, you are JUST. BEING. STUBBORN.

Now what?

Eunice Burns said...

This discourse is better than some we've had on the actual books we've read!

We just need one more Hedgehog to stumble across the site and put her two cents in... Voting closed after one more vote?

Sarah said...

Or we just do one for July and the other book for August?

Erica said...

I like that idea (July and August books). Then we don't have to argue over either, and I can take a month off.

Sarah said...

Okay -- Burning City for July (it found majority vote first) and Wrecked for August. Okay?