Tuesday, February 08, 2005

One Week - Progress?

Discussion opens its doors next Tuesday. Are you ready? (read that in a massive monster-truck-show voice)

If not, that's okay; it is a quick read. I made myself stop at PART TWO because it was going so fast. I like it! My cover is way cool, showing what appears to be the Attack of the Invisible Killer Bees on a crowd of YAs.

Speaking of killer creatures attacking, Bruce's scream is in the film Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Just an FYI.

How y'all doing?


JoBiv said...

Bruce's scream? Huh?

Well, considering you all know that I'm bookless at the moment, I am perhaps wasting all of your time by saying, for myself: progress shmogress. And thank you, Miss Sarah, for sending the book my way. You're magnificent.

Hmm. After using that word, an image of Bloomers in one of her silvery full-bodied skirt ensembles came to mind, not only because she looks magnificent in such clothing, but because I'm sure she said something like "magnificent" when she saw such clothing in whatever store she frequents.

Sarah said...

Don't forget the quirky yet classy earrings! Bloomers is a style maven!

Sarah said...

I finished the book this morning - good stuff.

Erica said...

Yeah, I'm afraid I'm not going to make it this month. But don't despair; I'll be back in March.

meeralee said...

I just want you to know that I'm despairing, just a little.