Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Looking for a movie?

According to IMDB.com, Looking for Alaska is going to be a movie. I still haven't read it, but when I do, I fully intend to join the message boards and argue about whom should play Miles.

Did I use "whom" correctly there?

Also, courtesy Bookslut.com, here's an article about sex in YA books. I sell lots of these books at work -- those young Southern Belles gotta get their info somewhere...


meeralee said...

I would probably not watch that movie, just because all the teenage pontificating might kill me if I had to see it unfold before my eyes.

Although, Susan, I really did like the book more than comes across in my post. But my default perspective is critical, so liking something somewhat still comes with lots of thoughts about its flaws.

Sarah, sorry -- "who," not "whom." "Whom" is used in cases where you would use an object, not a subject, in the statement. So "She should play Alaska" calls for "Who should play Alaska?"

Grammar is annoying.

Sarah said...
