Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Meet Lisa

I invited Lisa (FlyGirl) to join the rumpus because of something I learned about her almost three years ago. On our way to look at the apartment where we now reside, she asked, "What would you be if you weren't a scientist?" Interestingly, I already had an answer: librarian. (But I couldn't decide what kind of librarian, so here I am in grad school.) Amazingly, Lisa said, "Me too!" and started talking about her love for books, especially childrens' books, and her lifelong goal of reading all the Newbery books, and the Excel spreadsheet she uses to keep track of them, and so forth.

I also invited her because we live in the same house and it would be easy to share the books.


JoBiv said...

Bienvenue, Lisa! Wheee! Yay for new people!

meeralee said...

Hiya, Fly! You know it's your responsibility to kick the discussion off tomorrow with a structured question for analysis, complete with provocative quotations -- right?

Erica told you that?