Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Now that the Hedgehog wish list is going strong, how are we going to use our powers for good?

In other words, how can we choose the January book? (January?! We've been around for a year now!) Pick a random sampling from the list -- maybe, four books? -- and vote on those? Take the two highest voted books and have those for the next two months?

That's what came to my mind. If you have another idea or agree with this one, please insert your assent/dissent here.

Have a delightful Thanksgiving!


Erica said...

I think it would be good to pick a few at random and vote every month, because I definitely have preferences.

Also, are we inviting more people? I've got one.

meeralee said...

I AHgree.

E., should we ask Ben?

Sarah said...

Okay -- question about Tiny Ladies in Shiny Pants and please don't hate me: I know Dawn blogged about it and recommended the book, but it is not technically YA; it is a book older teens would enjoy, a crossover from the adult sector, but is not written for them specifically. Bookstores I've checked stock it in humor or regular fiction.

So I think it sounds hilarious and I'd like to read it, but not for Hedgehogs.

Yes, I'm a stick in the mud.

Can we take it out of the running?

Remember, no hating!

Sarah said...

And you know that you guys can invite people from the MEMBERS section of the SETTINGS tab, right?

Eunice Burns said...

Take out Tiny Ladies. I'm sure I put it on the wish list because I worship anything that comes out of Dawn's mouth.

I agree with voting every month instead of doing the top two choices for the next two months.

I don't know how to pick which ones to put in the running each month. I'm fresh out of ideas.

Yes, invite more people!

Sarah said...

Thanks, Eunice --

I guess we can just pull titles out of a hat, then.

Meredith decided to join us starting in January! Yay!