Wednesday, September 07, 2005

SE Hinton Interview on the NYTimes

"An Outsider, out of the Shadows"

Did you know S.E. stands for Susan Eloise? Such a Soc name.

The Outsiders movie is being re-released, in a new director's cut that is supposed to be truer to the book. (and if you haven't read the book or evor seen the movie, there is a MAJOR spoiler in the above article, so beware!)

Stay gold, guys, stay gold.


Eunice Burns said...

I don't think I need to gush and gush and gush about the book and the movie. Damn, I love them both. If you haven't read or seen The Outsiders you probably shouldn't worry so much about the spoiler in the article (I wouldn't even call it a spoiler, really, since it happens early and is the basis for the rest of the plot) as you should about the fact that you are missing out on the one of the greatest books and one of the greatest movies (separately!) of all time. That's what I'd be worried about, if I were you.

I love that S.E. is all secretive and gritty. It makes her more real, somehow.

Sarah said...

Dear mandy/Adele.

You are a loser! LOL!

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