Saturday, July 09, 2005


I know many (all, really) of the members of this exalted club are busy right now with all sorts of activities, from marrying to travelling to moving. Upheaval abounds! Participation on the site has also slowed down -- I'm wondering if you'd like to skip July and resume Rumpusing in August, with Bound?


Erica said...

Yes please.

Lady Digby said...

Summer vacation!

Eunice Burns said...

I will read Bound by the 20th or so, but I am happy to take off a month if others want to.

meeralee said...

I already skipped June, apparently. Because the Harvard Coop hates me and did not order my book.

I am happy to come back stompin' in August. I may be lurking here earlier, too, to make up for my Unfortunate Bonelessness. (I'll try to read it so I can see if I agree with the Meh'ing.)

meeralee said...

P.S. I love that graphic for July. You rock.

Sarah said...

It is a piece by Nikki McClure, available at and She's an utter delight.

JoBiv said...

I've seen the pregnant swimmer before - did you send a bookmark like that to Meera?

Sarah said...

I gave that away? Dammit!