Monday, April 11, 2005

Misc Chasing Vermeer Sites

+ Scholastic's Chasing Vermeer site, with a pentominoes game and the solution to the puzzle in the illustrations.

+ Caillebotte's Rainy Day.

+ Vermeer's The Geographer.

+ The Lady Writing also by Vermeer.

++++ The Geographer and The Lady can also be found under the dust jacket on your books. Of course, I didn't find that out until I'd finished the book and looked the images up online.

Has anyone seen his work in person? I don't think I have.
Discussion opens Friday!


JoBiv said...

Yes! Some in London, some in New York, and I swear there's a small one in the Isabella Stewart Gardener. They're luminous.

JoBiv said...

and this is actually my favorite (poor quality here, but you get the idea)

meeralee said...

My dad has always loved Girl With a Pearl Earring. Anyone see that movie?

Sarah said...

Not I, nor read the book by the same name.

Too bad we don't have the $$$ to go on a group field trip to see some real Vermeers.