Saturday, April 30, 2005


What do you want to read for June?

Is anyone up for some nonfiction? I read v. little of the stuff, but would like exposure to more. Russell Freedman's Marian Anderson book, The Voice that Challenged a Nation, was well-received. And there's been lots of hoopla over The Race to Save the Lord God Bird because an ivory-billed woodpecker was just discovered in Arkansas; they've been thought extinct for sixty years.

On the fiction side, Carol Emshwiller's The Mount (first two chapters online and/or the Amazon link) was recently released as a YA book; it's supposed to be great stuff. I've read her Carmen Dog and give it multiple thumbs up.


+ Bound by Donna Jo Napoli


JoBiv said...

I was thinking it might be cool to read some authors who are coming to Simmons this summer, although maybe we can save that for July.

Sarah said...

Anything specific? Who is coming?

Sarah said...

Posting to add Donna Jo Napoli's Bound to the suggestion list!

JoBiv said...

Ooh! I'm always up for Napoli!

JoBiv said...

Ooh! I'm always up for Napoli!

Sarah said...

Jo, we are going to have to change the name of the bookclub to JoBiv & Sarah Read the World.

Eunice Burns said...

Hey, now! No need to get hostile. I'm here, I'm here, but I'm running dry in terms of ideas. I have scoured the Let's Dance brochure, but unless we want to read poetry (and I haven't bothered to look to see if those authors do picturebook poetry or novel-types like Marilyn Nelson), it sounds like Napoli is our only choice (which is good with me). I wouldn't mind reading Marilyn Nelson, but if you think it's hard to find, I'll just read it on my own.

I do want to read Hoose's Lord God Bird book (Melanie Kroupa was working on it when I was interning), but I think right now I'm more interested in knocking a few Symposium authors off my list.

So stop it with your exclusivity, you hooches.